Get ready for 25m Lapua European Cup 2020

Get ready for 25m lapua European Cups. Finally good news about tour. – I have been discussed and mail with 2 organizers and both Estonia and Norway are planning to organize competitions if 12 athletes of 4 countries will take part to, said Marko.
EST Tallinn will be as planned 10th to 12th July or a weekend or 2 weekends later. Final decision of weekends will be done at May.
NOR Orlandet has postponed from 14-16. June to 28-30. August. Ørland Pistolklubb and Norwegian Shooting Association confirmed new dates today.
-I have tried to conduct Suhl (GER) and Öckerö (SWE). They haven’t reply yet, but I will let You know whaen I will hear something. I have started plan for GER or SWE is not going to organize, I will let You know as soon as I know, said Marko.
-I have one wish for athletes: Please write us a comment below this news and let us know are you planning to join EST or NOR or other and also write if not and sent it by pressing ”lähetä kommentti”. You will help us a lot to make final decision to organize whole 25m Lapua European Cup tour or not. You can also write an email if you want to.

20 thoughts on “Get ready for 25m Lapua European Cup 2020”
Only in Tallinn
Tallinn, Öckerö
Tallinn, Öckerö
Orlandet, Tallinn & Öckerö
Tallinn and Öckerö
I can’t come.
Jag planerar att ta del av en eller flera tävlingar. Det är en bra nyhet
Tallinn if it will be organized 10-12th July
Orlandet & Öckerö
EST quite certainly, any of the dates.
NOR, interested, possibly.
Tallinn (all proposed weekends are OK), Öckerö (7th to 9th of August) and possibly Orlandet (28th to 30th of August)
Tallînn, Örlandet, Öckerö.
Tallin & Öckerö
Tallinn, Öckerö, Suhl
Sweden and Öckerö are willing to arrange the competition and we are open for changing dates for the event
I would like to announce that three Slovenian shooters would compete in Suhl, two in Tallinn and one in Öckerö (if the date at Öckerö does not change)
I cant go to Nor and Est. Best chance is Swe or mabye Ger.