25m Lapua European Cup Öckerö Sweden. Start lists

Start list Lapua European Cup, Pistol, 8th-9th of August 2020
Saturday 8th of August, Centre Fire Pistol Precision Stage
Shooters to the lin 09.40. Preparation time 09.55. Sighting shots 10.00. Competition 10.08Pontus Schmidt
1. Pontus Schmidt SWE
3. Nemo Tabur EST
5. Mikael Nilsson SWE
7. Håkan Landebring SWE
9. Daniel Kania POL
11. Jan-Olov Danielsson SWE
13. Per-Anders Lander SWE
15. Pasi Tyynelä SWE
17. Zenitha Bjuhr SWE
19. Fredrik Jägersvärd SWE
21. Nicklas Attefjord SWE
23. Lars Erik Bjuhr SWE
Sunday 9th of August, Standard pistol 3×20
Shooters to the line 09.40, Preparation time 09.55. Sigthing shots 10.00. Competition 10.06
1. Niklas Krabb SWE
3. Per-Anders Lander SWE
5. Fredrik Jägersvärd SWE
7. Pasi Tyynelä SWE
9. Daniel Kania POL
11. Joe Furborg SWE
13. Nemo Tabur EST
15. Håkan Landebring SWE
17. Pontus Schmidt SWE
19. Jan-Olov Danielsson SWE
21. Mikael Nilsson SWE
23. Lars Erik Bjuhr SWE