Grand Prix of PART IX. Big Thanks, see You next year!

Big Thanks
After resting a couple of days and reading feedback, it is time to close PART IX. First I would like to thank Kisakallio Sport Institute for providing us such great circumstances; accommodation, meals, saunas, pancake hut and of course the best arena Susi Hall! I also want to thank our main sponsors Lapua and Inband for providing great awards and our happening sponsors Komatsu Forest Oy , Törmä Oy and OSUKO ammunta.
Without professionals what we only had in our organization; PART IX could not happen. Big thanks to Kisakallio maintenance team, Teijo, VeeVee, Vili, Markku, Jussi, GP, Kimmo, Oliver, Pekka, Japi, Kari, Joni, Risto, Jenni, Kakku and Merja.
We didn’t receive any negative comments about the international training camp or competitions and I am proud to tell You that we have sent out a reservation to have PART X at 17th to 19th January 2025.
The biggest thanks goes to teams and athletes! Without YOU there would not be such a feeling You all can see at Risto’s pictures!
See You next year, Marko