Voutilainen and Kozeniesky ruled in the Grand Prix of Leppa.fi Part X
Today the final stages of the Marko Leppä memorial- Grand Prix of Leppa.fi Part X was competed. The competition were athletes is drawn in to pairs and they shoot 10 shot’s each and the winner proceeds to the next round. Today was shot the 3rd and 4th round and the semifinals and finals. After the roar from the crowd had settled, Sampo Voutilainen, FIN and Lucas Kozeniesky, USA was crowned champions. Both were very dominant throughout the competition. Special was…
We are ready for the semifinals in Grand Prix of Leppa.fi Part X
The semifinals will start at 12:30. The competing pairs in the semifinal are: Rifle: Mack Pruden USA-Meelis Kiisk EST and Anna-Kristine Haakseth NOR-Lucas Kozeniesky USA Pistol: Sampo Voutilainen FIN-Anete Keita Bikerniece LAT and Elina Silver FIN-Alexis Lagan USA The winners go to the gold medal match and the losers to the bronze medal match. These will be shot 13:30! Youtube livestream https://www.youtube.com/@urheiluretki/streams RESULTS Grand Prix Competition https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aLYx0ayFBBTFU-jqmyGqvcizpp6Y6UT7W9pTElokBMM/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Good results by Voutilainen and Leppä during the second day of Marko Leppä memorial- Grand Prix of Leppa.fi part X
On the second day of Marko Leppä memorial- Grand Prix of Leppa.fi part X there was shot a qualification round in both air rifle and air pistol without a final before the Grand Prix started. Sampo Voutilainen, Finlandand Aleksi Leppä, Finland continued on Saturday from where they stopped on Friday. Voutilainen shot a new personal record in the men’s air pistol, 581 points. Leppä crossed the 630 mark with 630,2 points in the men’s air rifle. Both won their competitions….
We are ready for round 2 in the GP
19:15 the second round of the Grand Prix of Leppa.fi will start. Both pistol and rifle will be competing in the same relay. Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aLYx0ayFBBTFU-jqmyGqvcizpp6Y6UT7W9pTElokBMM/edit?usp=sharing Youtube live-stream: https://www.youtube.com/@urheiluretki/streams
Follow the GP-competition starting from 16:00 and memorial for Marko will be held 14:45
The GP competition will start today (18.1.2025) at 16:00 in Marko Leppä memorial – GP of Leppa.fi part X. Before that the athletes will do the second round of the Finnish ECH and WCH qualification. At 14:45 there will be a memorial for Marko, all are welcome to pay their respects. Live link to the GP-competition: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aLYx0ayFBBTFU-jqmyGqvcizpp6Y6UT7W9pTElokBMM/edit?usp=sharing Sius results from the ECH and WCH qualification (starting at 9:00): https://results.sius.com/Events.aspx?Championship=262f91a6-a2e0-43c4-b81b-9f108ec4b8b0
High standard in the men’s air pistol on the first day of Marko Leppä memorial
Today’s program consisted of air rifle and pistol qualification competitions and finals in men, women, men junior and women junior. In the men’s air pistol Sampo Voutilainen shot a very good score in the qualification, 579 points and beat both Latvian Olympians, Emils Vasermanis, 576 and Lauris Strautmanis, 576. In the final Voutilainen continued in high spirits and shot 239,8 with that he won second, Emils Vasermanis with 0,7 points. In the women’s air rifle, the final was a close…
Follow the Marko Leppä Memorial Grand Prix Part X Kisakallion Urheiluopisto
Hi, here you can follow the Marko Leppä Memorial Grand Prix Part X Kisakallion Urheiluopisto RESULTS http://results.sius.com/Events.aspx?Championship=262f91a6-a2e0-43c4-b81b-9f108ec4b8b0 RESULTS (Mobile) https://results.sius.com/Mobile/Mobile_Events.aspx?Championship=262f91a6-a2e0-43c4-b81b-9f108ec4b8b0 Youtube livestream https://www.youtube.com/@urheiluretki/streams Photos https://aarrekivi-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/risto_aarrekivi_fi/EgtkMozn7cxFqIdxZqb8RK4BytMXHV5N8RRe1-Q9xD5HDQ?e=oPQK1i
Marko Memorial on alkamassa. Tässä vielä viimeinen päivitys eräluetteloista.
Marko Memorial on alkamassa. Tässä vielä viimeinen päivitys eräluetteloista. HUOM! Eräluetteloita ja lisenssejä tarkistettaessa huomasimme seitsemältä urheilijalta puuttuvan voimassa oleva kilpailulisenssi! Ilman voimassa olevaa lisenssiä, osallistuminen näyttökilpailuihin jne ei ole mahdollista!!!
Päivitetyt aikataulut ja eräluettelot
Julkaisun liitteinä päivitetty aikataulu ja eräluettelot. Mahdolliset tiedot virheistä/seuramuutoksista jne risto@aarrekivi.fi